Cotton Gin Safety Initiative
Our goal is to have zero accidents during the ginning season. In an effort to work toward this goal, we are conducting a special safety initiative again this year for our cotton gin members.
All cotton gin members are encouraged to complete an entry form for every safety meeting you have during this ginning season.
All forms will be entered into a drawing at the conclusion of this year's ginning season. The more safety meetings you conduct, the more times your gin is entered into the competition.
The deadline for this safety initiative is Monday, December 31, 2018.
The winning gin will receive $1,000.00 to be dispersed as you deem appropriate. If the winning gin has not had a lost-time claim during this year's ginning season, the award will be doubled to $2,000.00.
AgriTrust firmly believes there is a direct correlation between the amount of safety training conducted and the reduction in workplace accidents. Please submit a form each time you conduct as safety meeting or have already conducted during this ginning season. You can also submit forms for the same meeting in both the Cotton Gin Safety Initiative and the Quarterly Safety Initiative. Please contact the AgriTrust of Georgia office for an entry form.